Most travelers are more likely to consider the security of their wireless connection than that of their hotel room. Here are some things to consider before checking in on your next trip:

- Never stay on the first floor if you can help it. The reason is obvious, isn’t it? Access is just too easy for predators. Of course, many travel motels are one-floor affairs. In such cases, some experts say you should choose another place to stay.
- Always give your door handle an extra tug when leaving the room. To hotel security experts this is the most basic advice there is—the computer security equivalent of “Create a strong password.” You’d be amazed how many travelers simply assume their door will click shut behind them. It doesn’t always, and there are actually thieves who do nothing but prowl hotel halls looking for unsecured doors.
- Use the room safe … in a pinch. Let’s say you have valuable jewelry you don’t want to take to the pool. The room safe (if available) is a better option than leaving the goodies on a table. But frankly, neither is a good idea. There are just too many employees with the ability to override room-safe combinations. If you have a car, experts say it’s the best place to leave valuables locked up.
- Assume nothing is secure. The best practice is to realize that lots of strangers can access your hotel room, and pack accordingly. Minimize risk by traveling with as few vulnerable, eye-catching items as possible.
© Good Sense Security LLC — May 2020