Do’s and Don’ts: Online Banking and ATMs

Most of us do at least some of our banking on phones and PCs.  ATMs, of course, have been a fact of life for over a generation.  The convenience is unmatched — but the security risks are very real.

With that in mind, here are some Do’s and Don’ts to reduce your risk:

  • Do double check that your app is legit.  It’s not unheard of for criminals to create mobile apps that look like the apps of genuine businesses, but are actually malware.  Before downloading your bank’s app, be absolutely certain it’s the real thing.
  • Don’t skimp on security.  Sure, most institutions will still let you secure your account with a 4-number PIN—but that may not be enough.  Study other options, such as longer passwords and biometric authentication.
  • Do log out when you’re finished.  When banking with your PC, it’s easy to get lazy and let your session expire.  But security will be far stronger if you actively log out.  The same goes for your phone.
  • Don’t get “surfed.”  Using an ATM?  Be wary of strangers peeking in an attempt to spot your PIN.  This is called shoulder surfing, and it puts you in danger—the crook’s next move is to accost you and take your card when you step outside.  Use your body and free hand to block the view.
  • Do be careful in public hotspots.  Wifi networks in coffee shops and hotel lobbies are notorious hacker hangouts.  If you must bank in such places, use a virtual private network app.
  • Don’t bank from a public computer.  Even if you log out when finished, the risk is too high—criminals may have installed a keylogging device to steal information.

© Good Sense Security LLC 2019